October 20, 2020 2024-04-10 12:39Activities
Chinmaya Vision Programme
The child is the focal point of this programme. The programme also embraces the school management, teachers and parents. Through them, the light of this vision spreads to the society, country and the world at large. CVP can be identified under four heads.
Integrated Development
Integrated development is the overall unfoldment and gentle blossoming of the child at the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels of his/her personality.
Spiritual Development
Mind is potentially divine. Spiritual development enables the child to discover his/her inherent divinity and manifest it. It is achieved through value education, philosophy, meditation techniques etc.,
Intellectual Development
Man has infinite intellectual potential. Intellectual development aims to help the child manifest his/her inherent intellectual capacities and enhance existing ones
Physical Development
Man has infinite intellectual potential. Intellectual development aims to help the child manifest his/her inherent intellectual capacities and enhance existing ones
Mental Development
Mental development aims at making the child an emotionally balanced person. It thereby helps the child to live in harmony with himself/herself and the world.

Indian Culture
Culture is the very way of life of a race and its thinking, which makes it unique and special. Under this head, the child is given a wide exposure to the various aspects of our rich culture, culture awareness and appreciation of the vast literary, artistic and scientific heritage of our country, explanations of our customs and traditions.

Universal Outlook
Universal outlook refers to an appreciation, sensitivity and commitment to universal issues. A universal outlook helps the child to view himself/herself as a responsible citizen of the world, live in harmony with creation as well as become aware of being an intrinsic part of the macrocosm.
CVP augments the role of teachers, parents and the management in this
ennobling Endeavour, This programme which enshrines PUJYA GURUDEV SWAMI CHINMAYANANDAJI’S vision, integrates the Chinmaya Vidyalayas\ across the country and helps the evolve further into schools with a tangible and lasting difference.

This vital area of focus includes education in citizenship, civic consciousness, fostering pride in being Indian and vital national concerns such as unity in diversity. Patriotism is inculcated in children with the aim of creating dedicated and committed citizens who take real pride in serving the nation.

Co-Curricular Activities
Road Safety Patrol
Artificial intelligence Classes
Gurudev’s Quotes
"Brood less, smile more and serve all.
The tragedy of human history is decreasing happiness in the midst of increasing comforts.
The highest form of grace is silence."